Living Juicy ReWilding Campout

August 18-21, 2022

We are gathering together as sisters to

share our hearts, clear our wombs, open our minds, cleanse our bodies, and to

free the wild feminine within.


Live the most Juicy Life you can Imagine.

We are SO worth it!


Do you hear the call?

Life can be chaotic, sometimes it can feel like we are off track, like we are missing something. That is more of the maya, more of the illusion. You are always exactly where you need to be to recieve the Medicine from the Moment. Sometimes that medicine may be showing you something that you have outgrown or is no longer working for you and sometimes the Medicine of the Moment shows you what is! This retreat is a return to your personal power, a remembrance of your sovereignty to know what you need, when you need it…. to trust yourself, your inner guidance, above all else.

We will be using ancient practices that are now being scientifically proven to be extremely effective in these modern times, practices that have been passed down for thousands of years because they work! These practices increase our capacity to discern what is best for us, they give us the energy and motivation to take the leap we may need to take to create a life we love, they give us the tools and techniques for the kind of self-care that will result in self-love.

AND they are some of the JUICIEST practices I know!


Healing the Sisterhood Wound

We all carry the illusion of betrayal in our linage and it shows itself through competition, comparison, and anxiety when gathering together with womxn. We can heal this. We can create a new story. We can access the memory of healthy sisterhood connections and remember how vital that is to our health and well-being.

There was a time, not that long ago, when women did not have rights, when we were property, when we were not allowed to gather together in sisterhood, and suffered great consquences, even death, if we were caught doing this. This created wounding in our collective.

However, there was a longer time before all of that, that we spent most of our time together with women. Working together, raising our families together, laughing, crying, celebrating and grieving.

Nuclear family is not the way. It does not work. Deep inside we remember the truth: It Takes a Village.

Coming together, in spite of anxiety and insecurities is the first step in healing the wounds of separation and the tendency to play small and minimize the importances of our feminine connection.

So what do we do at a Living Juicy Womxn’s Retreat

  • Heal Sisterhood Wounds of Separation

  • Recharge in Nature

  • Share what’s on Our Heart

  • Dance through our Struggles into our Bliss

  • Meditate on our Wholeness, Accepting all that we Are

  • Practice Ancient Techniques of Breathwork and Yoga Asana

  • Access our feminine sensuality to increase our OJAS (life-juice)
  • Use Alignment Practices to Tune into the Subtle Energies

  • Recieve and Give Sacred Energetic Touch

  • Learn Techniques to Heal your Womb Space and Honor your Body 

  • Use Vedic Sciences to Reveal Your True Nature

At the Living Juicy Womxn’s Retreat we be exploring the real medicine of Tantra and tuning into ourselves and each other on the subtle realm. This is not about sex practices, although there may be some juicy discussions, the real Tantra is about finding the simple and subtle pleasures in all of life, and using the energy of pleasure and satisfaction to manifest our dreams.

Tune in to Nature • Tune in to Desire • Tune in to Spirit

Using practices such as yoga, mudra, mantra, mandala and more, will take us into the stillness of the heart where we will call forth and activate our dharma – or truest heart’s longing. From this place we will find our powerful intention or sankalpa and utilizing the practice of yoga nidra, we will imprint it on our subconscious. Participants will be given the tools to make lasting change and the work we do in the retreat will help immensely towards the fulfillment of life purpose and deep longings.

How Do We Do This?

By utilizing ancient techniques that are being proving scientifically effective today. Techeniques like meditation, breathwork, working in harmony with your body type, and harnessing the creative power of the Quantum Field to plant the seeds of your pure potential.


The word Tantra: is Sanskrit and literally means, “a continuum, or unbroken stream [of energy].”

The term Tantra refers first (1) to the continuum of vital energy that sustains all existence, and second (2) to the class of knowledge and practices that harnesses that vital energy, thereby transforming the practitioner.


Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. It was developed more than 5,000 years ago in India. The literal Sanskrit translation is the ‘science of life’. It’s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit and utilizes the elements available in all things to bring balance and well being.


In Sanskrit Yoga means ‘to yoke’ or to find union with your higher self. It is more than just stretching, yoga is a spiritual practice that incorporates many tools, all with the intent to help quiet the mind and prepare the body to connect deeply to the heart.

We will be guided by Yoga teachers such as Leia Jones and Mahadevi with over 500 hrs of training in the vedic sciences.


A mantra is a sacred utterance, a numinous sound, a syllable, word or phonemes, or group of words in Sanskrit that has psychological and/or spiritual powers. Mantra, whether chanted, whispered, or silently recited, is a powerful meditation and therapy tool.

Om or Aum is the sacred premordial sound. It encapsulates everything in the Universe. We will be working with both Sanskrit mantras, like Om, as well as English mantras such as affirmations like “All Is Well”.


A mudrā (muːˈdra; “seal”, “mark”, or “gesture”) is a symbolic or ritual gesture performed by the hands, often used in practicing Hinduism and Buddhism; it is a spiritual gesture that acts as an “energetic seal of authenticity”. Mudras act to stimulate different parts of the body involved with breathing and to affect the flow of energy in the body and even one’s mood.

{Shakti mudra can be used to calm the body, relieve stress and promote sound sleep.}



The retreat will be held at Jewel Creek Studio Barn in Floyd, VA and includes workshops, meals and camping.

Retreat Facilitators

What an incredible circle of Powerful Priestesses!


Wryn Magdalyn

Wryn Magdalyn

Katie Wells

Katie Wells

Aida Real

Aida Real

Leia Jones

Leia Jones

Kyra Aulani

Kyra Aulani

Maya Ittah

Maya Ittah

Winter Heart

Winter Heart

Alice Moore

Alice Moore



Eden Woolwine

Eden Woolwine

Wryn Magdalyn

Wryn’s deepest heart’s longing is to be of service to the divine in all beings by cultivating vibrant health and sharing her most sacred gifts: healing touch, devotional song, self-care practices and the teachings of yoga.

She has been a student of yoga for over 20 years and has received her 200-hr yoga teacher training at In Balance Yoga Studio and The Lifeforce Academy. Wryn is a certified massage therapist through the Blue Ridge School of Massage and Yoga and is also  trained in Reflexology, Craniosacral Therapy, Thai Yoga Massage, Shiatsu, Myofacial Release, Trigger Point Therapy and Reiki. She is certified as an Ayurvedic & Tantra Wellness Coach from The Shakti School and is honored to be the recipient of this 5000 year old oral tradition. She has been faciliating retreats at Anahata Education Center since 2019 and offers transformational one on one packages.

Katie Wells

Katie is a movement teacher, dance artist, mother, spiritual activist and perpetual student. Her conscious performances are an offering to express what others can’t or won’t.  Her classes are an array of practices that can open realms of connection with one’s self and beyond as well as expand the expressive toolbox for creative purposes. She is fascinated with designing movement curriculums and weaves many tools and topics that continue to aid her in her own personal growth and hopefully others.

She offers seasonal Goddess Retreats here at Anahata and personal one-on-one sessions using somatic embodiment therapies in addition to her many ongoing classes and workshops.

Aida Real

A centering metaphor for Aida´s work is that of nourishment and sustainance. Body food, soul food, sensual food, intellectual food, elemental food, spiritual food—these are her media, her loves, her offerings.

After experiencing an idyllic childhood in rural Mexico, Aida’s coming of age as a young adult in the concrete metropolis of Mexico City brought her life’s purpose and the Earth’s needs into sharp clarity: feed the World goodness.

This has taken Aida far down the paths of Biodynamic Agriculture, the Aztec and Lakota Temazcal (sweatlodge) ceremony, indigenous and holistic medicine, women circles and Yoni Egg tribes. Aida is a certified Shiatsu practitioner through the Buddhist Center of Mexico City, a Reiki and massage therapist through the Massage School of Mexico and a Magnified Healing practitioner.

Aida is a truth speaker. A mother. A pollinator. A medicine woman. An intellectual. An entreprenuer. A seer. A human.

Ali Smiles

Alice is a mother of two daughters currently living in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Floyd, Virginia. Days are enjoyed crafting with wood and herbs, gardening, unschooling and surfing the land and ocean waves.

Ali lived in Ecuador for seven years, learning the depths of the Latino culture by witnessing their relationship with Mother Earth and their elders. Ali was introduced to the indigenous communities of Ecuador and realized life is a ceremony and is woven throughout our daily activities. Thus, she began her journey of awakening and traveling throughout Ecuador and Peru experiencing cultural celebrations and ceremonies honoring Pachamama. Ali cultivated her relationship with the Spirits of the plants, which opened the doors of extrasensory communication to knowing the plants offering

Leia Jones

With a degree in Dance and Choreography from Hollins University, and a teaching certificate in Hatha Yoga, Leia’s personal practice is rooted in the unification of yoga and dance. Through this combination she brings mindfulness to movement inspiring us to quiet the mind, come deep into the body, and connect to our joyful-spirit.

Kyra Aulani

Kyra is a multi-talent artist, musician and yoga teacher. Her art reflects all of the many facets of her being – sometimes loose and painterly, sometimes tight and concise, but always stunning. She can also be found drumming or teaching dance alongside her partner Kasey and juggling their two amazing children Anu and Zen. If you are in Floyd, you may pass by her LOVE mural just south of our little one-stop-light town.

Winter Heart

Winter is an herbalist, priestess, and creator of amazing ceremonies, medicines and experiences. She has harnessed the power of her Divine Feminine to create and heal the deep wounds of our time. Through her unique gifts and her loving heart she is a bringing of change and a seer of truth.

Eden Woolwine

Eden is a delight and it reflects in her food. Her unique combinations of flavors and ingredients always amaze. She holds a degree in nutrition and is a license massage therapist and a yoga teacher. When she is not preparing food for someone she cares about, she is practicing massage or creating artwork out of something she has crafted, collected or finds fascinating.

Eden will be offering full body massage during the free time.

Maya Ittah

Maya is a passionate, Earth-loving, entrepreneurial Visionary commited to BEING that Change we wish to see in the world. Maya graduated with a Master’s Degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition and has been a practicing licensed Massage Therapist for 11 years. She recently created a Healing Modality called Therapeutic Rewilding which incorporate several elements of Mind and Body Wellness. Therapeutic Rewilding weaves Ancestral Nutrition, Therapeutic Bodywork, Primal Movement, Earth skills and Spiritual Mindfulness practices together to create a comprehensive modality designed to reconnect us to the deepest parts of ourselves, the Common Origin of all that is. Through direct experience and communion with the Earth/our Body and Spirit which animates all things, we start becoming attuned and fully ALIVE again, filled with Joy, Purpose and Connection.

Maya will be offering healing sessions during the freetime.


Mahadevi has been practicing yogic exercise and studying yogic philosophy for over 20 years. Her explorations have taken her through ashrams at home and abroad, studying, serving, and teaching in the US, India, and Thailand. She enjoys sharing the devotional practices of bhakti yoga, and is interested in the vibrational power of Sanskrit and chanting as a direct path to personal transformation. She now lives in Floyd VA, where she teaches regular asana classes and offers Thai massage.

Mahadevi will be offering Thai massage during the free time.

Reflections : 2020 Living Juicy Womxn’s Retreat 

Kyra leading an sensual embodiment exercise on the Anahata Riverfront for the 8/8 Lion’s Gate. 

Reserve Your Spot

This year’s Living Juicy Retreat will be August 20-22, 2021 on the Sacred River at Anahata Education Center in heart of Floyd, VA.

Space is limited. Listen to your Heart and Join us Today if this feels like a Fuck Yes!

Sign me up!